Grammatik, neue Verben, Hörverstehen, Texte… Englischunterricht ist langweilig? Nein!
Im Apian-Gymnasium fand vor kurzem ein etwas anderer Englisch-Unterricht statt: In der Klasse 6 g wurden gerade die neuen Vokabeln durchgenommen: Vorspeise, Hauptgericht, Nachspeise … es ging eindeutig ums Essen. Da lag es nahe, dass man mit den Kindern doch auch mal ein typisch englisches Gericht kochen könnte und weil die Schule ja (meistens) vormittags stattfindet, beschlossen die Klasse 6 g und ihre Lehrerin Anne Förtschbeck ein richtiges English Breakfast zu kochen. Natürlich musste sich jeder beteiligen und bekam einen Einkaufsauftrag und außerdem eine Aufgabe zugewiesen, was der oder die Schülerin am besagten Termin zu tun hatte. So fand am Freitag, dem 10. Februar 2012, unter „geordnetem Chaos“(an dieser Stelle vielen Dank an Herrn Uselmann) die Zubereitung des Frühstücks statt und es wurde ein großer Erfolg. Aber lest selbst!
Anne Förtschbeck, StRefin
Last Friday we had a very special English lesson: We cooked a real English breakfast just on our own. Some days before Ms. Förtschbeck had brought a list with different ingredients for the real English breakfast on Friday. I had to buy table napkins, two litre of water and washing up liquid (for washing up after the breakfast).
On Friday we met in the “little mensa”. Jule and I were the first to be there, then Ms. Förtschbeck and the others came. We also brought along some pans and then we prepared the food.
Luisa, Melli, Cari, Natalie and Sophie were setting the tables. Michi poured the orange juice in our cups, Daniel and Elias made the music. Markus and Fabian took photos of us, and the mother of Julius, Mrs. Rost, was here, too.
Then I tasted the food, I found that it smelled very good and it was very tasty! At the end of the lesson, we all helped to clean up: we threw the rubbish into the bins and cleaned the tables and so on. What a great lesson.
Laura Vogelsberg
Last Friday we had an English breakfast. First, Luisa, Melanie and I set the tables. It was so funny, because we talked all the time in English!
Juliane, Vroni and Laura made real English tea: You have to use black tea and pour some milk into it. After that Maximilian, Nick and Michael served the drinks. There was orange juice and sparkling water.
Then it went on: Alexander, Chiara, Sophie, Natalie and my Dad cooked the food. We had sausages, toast, bacon, scrambled eggs, baked beans, mushrooms, tomatoes and so on. Everybody had to bring some things and I brought the eggs. Other pupils had to fry
the sausages and the bacon in the pans. Miss Foertschbeck , Mrs Horst, my mum and my dad helped the others with cooking. Miss Rost took photos from us. Daniel played the DJ. After the breakfast we brought Miss Ruhland the rest from the breakfast but some other teachers ate it all, because it looked so delicious!
It wasn`t fair! But then we had to tidy up. That was very BORING ! I liked the breakfast because you could taste a new kind of food which I didnt know before.
I liked the mushrooms and the sausages best! What i didn`t like was: The baked beans !
It was a really good English lesson!!!!!
Carina Wittmann
Last Thursday I was in the English shop in Zuchering and bought eight sausages, because everyone of us had to bring something typical English for our English breakfast on Friday morning. On Friday we met all in the canteen and started with setting the tables. Only Daniel and me were not helping the others, because we had to prepare the music. We were the soundmen. We listened only to English music.
Then breakfast started. The food was really delicious and we ate a lot. Most I liked the bacon. I ate much bacon, many sausages and eggs, because we had lots of them and I was very hungry. The orange marmalade was too bitter for me. Later I tasted the mushrooms but I didn't like them and the sauce I didn't like too.
For me the very best were the crisps from Alex after the breakfast.
I preferred the cheese and onion flavour and the salty ones. The crisps with vinegar flavour tasted horrible.
But reviewing this great English breakfast I have to say: “It was the coolest lesson we ever had!”
Elias Büdel
Last Friday we had an English breakfast at school. My task there was to take photos, because I could use the school camera. I bought a lot of drinks like orange juice and water. My mum went to school by car and took the bottles to school.
The food was very British. Some of the pupils went to a special English shop and bought there a lot of very English food. It was absolutely different than my usual breakfast. I didn’t like the scrambled eggs but the bacon was fantastic and the toasts were very good. The music was great; Daniel chose a lot of good songs and the mood was fantastic!
I hope we will do this in French, too, because I am very curious of the food in France. And I suppose it would be easier because in France the people don’t eat fried and baked food for breakfast.
Julius Rost
Last Friday we had a special English lesson, because we made a real English breakfast. And everybody had his or her own task. My task was to fry the bacon and the eggs, it was very funny! All pupils in the class had to buy something for the breakfast, too. For example, I had bought a HP Sauce and thirty bags of Black Tea in the British Shop in Zuchering. I bought two bottles of water, too. My favourite food was the bacon which we fried in a large pan- it was so tasty! But the other things were delicious, too, except the marmalade, it was so bitter that I couldn’t eat it. I liked the music at the breakfast and it was cool to cook with my friends. And it was a good experience to see what English people eat. I liked the fact that the breakfast took place in the first two lessons and so it was a good beginning of the day! Sometimes there were too many pupils who wanted to cook at the same time and so it was a little chaotic sometimes, but that’s normal, I think.
I liked it really and I want to do it again!
Julian David
Last Friday we had a special English lesson. We made a real English breakfast with baked beans, real English marmalade, HP- sauce, scrambled eggs, mushrooms, bacon and real English sausages. Unfortunately I and Natalie couldn`t eat the sausages because we`re vegetarian. And the whole time we listened to English music, that was cool!
I was in the group whose task was to fry the eggs and the tomatoes and so on. I took the tomatoes and washed them first before I put them into the frying pan. The food was very good but Michael brought crisps form the British Shop and I really don`t want to eat vinegar-crisps every time for breakfast! No thanks! Especially I liked the fried eggs without the yolk. They fried one just for me because I cannot eat the yolk. That was cool, too! When the breakfast was over, we had to clean the room, the “little mensa”, and we had to wash up. The washing up took place in the teachers’ room and when I brought some pans and pots I was allowed to go into the teachers’ room, which was really nice!
Sophie von Obernitz