Wintersportwoche der Klassen 6a, 6c und 6f aus unterschiedlicher Sicht...
When coming home is a briefly but utterly deflating sensation, one has the comfort of knowing that the foregoing experience, all the places and people it entailed, was truly something special.
A thick cover of clouds followed our buses southward from Ingolstadt. The mountains remained out of sight save for their roots, and a few disconnected peaks that peaked down from what seemed impossibly great heights. There was some disappointment and even nervousness when upon reaching the lower town of Fügen we found it warm and green. But we were assured that our ski area, Hochfügen, still lay some distance above us hidden by the clouds. With a trained coolness, our driver swung the tour bus along alpine curves and drove two abreast with descending buses on a road that seemed ill suited to a midsized sedan. But as the road straightened, and we rose at last above the clouds, in a dramatic first view we discovered that sun and, fortunately, a modest cover of snow were the prevailing conditions in our high alpine destination.
“It’s not a vacation,” was a phrase I heard repeatedly as though trying for a tone of seriousness, but privately one colleague described it as the best week of the school year. I’m sure many who took part would agree with his assessment; there is at least one convert in yours truly. I think most of us sensed from the beginning that this was not going to be a vacation. What we had come to Hochfügen for was more substantial than escape or relaxation. Despite the absence of desks and projectors, and only one obligatory lecture a day, it became clear that a good deal was to be learned. How and what exactly is a matter of interest.
It struck me that one of the first instructions given was that cell phones were to be surrendered for all but an hour in the evening. Of course laptops and televisions were conspicuously absent from the setting. The primary task was quite simple: be active. For most this meant learning to ski, and in our setting to learn was to do. While the assignment seems at first enviable or even easy, consider the energy involved in giving a concerted physical effort for five hours a day, all the while maintaining the awareness necessary for safety and for the impromptu on trail lectures. However strenuous, this singleness of purpose was inspiring. Some mix of novelty and simplicity kept us up late at night, got us up early in the morning, and sent us incessantly back to the lift for the next run.
Our students progressed admirably from the lower slopes to the heads of expert trails over 2,000 meters high. In all this success there was trust; trust in their abilities to adapt to a new sport, to handle new difficulties as they arose, trust in classmates to be safe and alert, trust in teachers both to guide and protect. Following an evening lecture on trail safety, I was deeply heartened to see how automatically and with what natural concern the students of my group reacted to the fall of a classmate.
For all that was learned on the finer points of ski form that, which was most valuable, came to us more subtly and indirectly. Just as our relation to learning necessarily changed in the absence of classrooms and bells, so our relationships to one another also changed. We weren’t fleeing home to private spheres at the end of a work/school day. We took all our meals together, and students shared rooms with multiple classmates. There were not only ski runs, but lift rides bunched closely together in the cold, dinner conversations on equally tight benches over hot delicious food, and boisterous amusement over some impossibly simple yet confounding game. Our energies fueled scholarly debates, and hilarious theater pieces written and performed by students, as well as ever more graceful ski turns. And for one night, our tired legs found new life in a final farewell dance party. We were briefly a large and imperfect family. Without electronic screens and contrivances to distract us, we were forced to find in one another what we usually turn to our phones or televisions to find. It was simple, and it was marvelous.
Though by Friday I was physically exhausted, some part of me just wanted the whole experience to continue whether or not my body could make it down the mountain again. It was sad to leave the place that routine had so quickly made familiar to us. We won’t ever all assemble together quite like we did in these past few days. The greatest I can hope for then is that experience continues to live with us in some way more than memory. Perhaps, when we need it, we can always pick up a ski pole and channel our spirit friend ‘Schariwenzel’. We could all stand an occasional reminder of the camaraderie and uncomplicated joy born in the mountains. With a few months still to go in my tenure here at Apian, I can say without a doubt this will rank among my most treasured experiences here, and I am sincerely grateful to all those who took part and allowed me to be a part of it for that short time.
Yours Truly,
Jack Fitzhenry
Am Sonntag, den 13. Januar, trafen sich alle Kinder der Klassen 6acf und Lehrer am Parkplatz der DJK. Die Busfahrer hatten alle Hände voll zu tun, um das Gepäck einzuladen und so mancher Papa half auch mit. Die Mädls hatten natürlich ihre größten Koffer mitgebracht, was verständlich ist, denn sie müssen ja immer gut aussehen. Dann ging`s auch schon los in die Alpen. Die Eltern winkten noch zum Abschied, doch die Schüler verdrehten nur die Augen.
Die Busfahrt verging wie im Flug und wir hatten alle riesigen Spaß. In Hochfügen wurden wir mit herrlichem Wetter begrüßt. Wir wurden in unsere einzelnen Zimmer eingeteilt und tankten noch etwas Energie beim Mittagessen. Danach ging’s auch schon auf die Piste, die gleich neben der Montana-Alm lag. Die Anfänger mussten leider den qualvollen Weg hinunter laufen und wurden an den Anfängerpisten mit den Skiern bekannt gemacht. Die Fortgeschrittenen rasten schon die ersten Abfahrten hinunter.
Es gab vier Anfängergruppen, zwei Fortgeschrittene und eine Alternativgruppe. Die Fortgeschrittenen fuhren Tiefschnee, lernten Carven und hatten dabei sehr viel Spaß. Die Anfänger wurden immer besser und wollten bald nichts anderes außer Ski fahren. Auch die Alternativgruppe hatte sehr viel Spaß; sie gingen z. B. ins Schwimmbad, rodeln oder fuhren mit der Bergbahn auf einen der Gipfel. Natürlich beachteten wir alle die neu erlernten Sicherheitsregeln, denn an den Abenden wurden uns außerdem „interessante“ Präsentationen vorgetragen.
Danach hatte jeder seine Freizeit. Manche spielten in dem Aufenthaltsraum Tischtennis, ratschten mit Freunden, ruhten sich aus oder machten Workshops und extra schwere Rätseln mit den Lehrern. So mancher zerbrach sich darüber den Kopf und grübelte noch die ganze Nacht.
Am letzten Tag gab es besonders leckeres Essen und am Abend musste jedes Zimmer einen Sketch zum Thema „Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge“ aufführen. Alle waren sehr kreativ und wir hatten sehr viel zu lachen; auch die Lehrer hatten ihren Spaß. Danach gab es eine Disko mit Herrn Rocholl als DJ. Sogar die Lehrer tanzten und die Jungs begeisterten die Mädls mit ihren Breakdance-Künsten.
Am nächsten Tag packten wir unsere Koffer und stellten fest, dass die Koffer irgendwie geschrumpft sind. Leider war diese Woche wie im Flug vergangen und so saßen wir wieder im Bus zurück nach Ingolstadt. Natürlich haben wir unsere Eltern vermisst, aber eine Woche länger hätte uns auch nicht geschadet.
Insgesamt war es eine wunderschöne Woche und wir hatten alle unseren Spaß. Jeder hat neue Freunde gefunden und Freude auf der Piste gehabt.
Emily Reis, Giulia Schmidt, Antonia Seifarth und Paula Campos